Modern City Lightning

cityscapes during nighttime
Photo by Takashi Watanabe on Unsplash

Until recently, people have believed that the night city is a copy of its daytime appearance. Modern approach to artificial lighting claims that it creates a different image of the city comparable in importance to daytime and an alternative to it in impression.

The general idea “links” into a single system the impact of functional, architectural, decorative and advertising and informational types of lighting. Scientifically based and precisely calculated lighting makes life in the city more comfortable and safe, significantly reduces the likelihood of traffic accidents and crime. Decorative lighting, well thought out by lighting company, attracts the attention of residents and tourists to architectural and commercial facilities, which means it stimulates the development of cultural and economic life of the city.

Modern conceptual approach takes into account the synergistic effect of various types of outdoor lighting that complement and enhance each other.