How to Reset a Router to Factory Settings?

Image by lhennen from Pixabay

The need to reset a router to factory settings many years later after Ubiquiti Installation (in other words, return all device parameters to the state at the time of purchase) may arise in several cases. For example, if you want to configure a previously used device from scratch. Or if you forgot the password for the network or the entrance to the router settings, and the data on the sticker does not match. You can roll back the device to factory settings in two ways.

The first way

The first method is suitable if you have access to the router’s web interface. In this case, just find the Factory Defaults / Reset Configuration item in the menu. Often it is located in the System Tools tab.

Photo by Field Engineer on Pexels

After confirming the rollback, wait a couple of minutes for the router to update the configuration, and try connecting to Wi-Fi again with the default network key. If you have already entered a password for a network with this name before, first click on its name in the list of available connections and select the “Forget network” option.

The second way

The second option will work even if you can’t access the router interface. Here you’ll have to take hold of the router itself: somewhere on its body there should be a special button for emergency rollback to factory settings of Ubiquiti Installer.

Photo by Thomas Jensen on Unsplash

Usually it’s marked with the screaming inscription RESET. Press and hold the RESET button for at least ten seconds. All that’s left is to wait until the router updates its configuration, and you can use it from scratch, as if you just took it out of the box!